We want you to be 100% satisfied with your experience here at Doctor Skeleton’s Closet. Please contact us if you have additional questions, concerns, or inquiries.
You may request additional information before purchasing artwork, and we would encourage that you do so. We appreciate your business and your support.
Your requests and concerns are top priorities for Doctor Skeleton.
We will be glad to assist you in any way we can. You can contact us by email, phone, or through the comment sections of each post.
You may schedule a phone call for any inquiry about purchasing artwork prior to purchasing. You can request to speak with Doctor Skeleton personally. You can also send your phone number to schedule an appointment to...administrator@doctorskeleton.com please indicate if you prefer a text or phone call. (Private Collectors Only)
You may contact our administrator for questions about Dr. Skeleton’s art and his work. Please limit these phone requests to specific items of interest. We will gladly answer any of your questions that pertain to an item you want to purchase.
Please do not attempt to arrange meetings through the comment sections.
If you are wanting to request general questions or information about Doctor Skeleton you can do so by responding in the comment section of each post.
For general questions about anything or purchasing artwork please contact our administrator…
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